Hi, we’re Hillside Jerseys

Alex Payne & Rebecca Mahlmeister

We are both alumni from Michigan State agriculture programs, we wanted to use our knowledge outside of our jobs on a local dairy farm, and at home with our own animals. It’s been a dream of ours to have a dairy and be able to produce food not only for us, but for people in and around our community. Our love for our animals runs deep and our girls are treated like family pets. As we like to say “ they are tamer then puppy dogs”.

Our Farms story

It all begins with an tiny premature calf at the dairy we both work at. Rebecca fell in love with her and because she wasn’t doing very well at the dairy we took her home. We named her Maggie and nursed her back to health. After bottle feeding her for 8 weeks she was our baby. Once she was big enough we moved her out to the current cow barn and decided she needs friends. This is when Dolly and Jolene, the jerseys, came to the farm. We wanted to give back to the 4-H community we both grew up in, so our three girls went to the Jackson area career center (JACC) to get trained and the plan was for all three to go to the Jackson fair and get shown by the JACC students. Unfortunately, while at the career center Maggie fell extremely ill to an illness she contracted as a very small calf and ended up having to be put down. The Ag teachers and students went above and beyond for her. Our jerseys continued on to the fair and did very well for the students. After the lose of our beloved Maggie, the one that started it all, we decided to name out dairy barn after her and continue the farm in her honor. Because of the Ag teacher and students dedication to our girls we are continuing to work with them, the students will continue showing our dairy cows and we raise dairy bull calves for the students to show at the fair as well.


This old lady still got it. She is the boss of the herd and she will let you know. This sweet lady is extremely gentle and loves a good scratch. She’ll also let you know when you are late for milking!


Don’t let her short stature fool you, she is the bossy one. With enough attitude for the three of them she will let you know that she wants something. She loves attention and giving you sass!


JoJo loves to reap the benefits of dollys dramatics. She is a loving girl that would purr if she could while you pet her. She loves to be combed and have her neck scratched.